What is it: Body Awareness?

It is often easy to forget that our physical health is very much connected to our mental health. Not only that, but in reality they are very much connected to the point where one can impact the other. Knowing this, it is important to keep in mind that if you are feeling agitated, worried, anxious, uneasy, unsettled, or down, it can sometimes present itself as physical symptoms, such as low energy, tension, body aches, stomach problems, difficulties concentrating, and sleep problems. In that case, you may need to give your body some well-deserved rest. 

Ways to Take Care of Your Mind and Body

Here are some ways to look after both the health of your body and mindAvoid eating certain foods, since a balanced diet can affect your body and mood. Get some physical exercise like dancing or walking, which could help your energy levels. Meditate and overall relax in order to help you center yourself and reduce anxiety. Write things downorganize your day, and set realistic goals to help your concentration. Finally, do not underestimate the importance of sleep and maintaining a good sleep routine. 

Mental and Physical Effects of Stress

One extremely important aspect in our lives that should be dealt with in the right manner in order to protect our physical and mental health is stress. Studies show that stress does in fact lead to physiological responses, such as increased heart rate, tense shoulders, and sweating. When left unattended, stress usually amplifies itself all day long. A thought or experience triggers us, and that affects our body and overall mood. How our body feels and how our emotions are affect how we think. Then, thoughts lead to more thoughts, and so on. Being aware of that pattern and actively choosing to break the cycle makes a world of a difference. This is why we need to work on both mental awareness, or mindfulness, and body awareness.

How Body Awareness Helps

Body awareness helps us step out of the stress cycle because when we are not aware of our physical experience, we could miss the first signs of stress. At that point, it is not only about stress, since our bodies actually reflect our emotions and provide early warnings of many shifts in mood. Even more subtly, our bodies influence how we feel. For example, one study proves that poor posture may worsen our mood, so being aware of what is happening in our bodies can be one essential way of adjusting to and managing our lives.

At the end of the day, our bodies give us all the information we need about our health every day. The symptoms we feel, whether emotional or physical, are like signals that can tell us a lot. Pain is the warning cue of the body. It can mean that you have a strained muscle, or it can also be something emotionally felt as a result of trauma. Likewise, always feeling fatigued can be a sign of not getting enough nutrients or physical activity, and it can also be a warning sign of a mental health problem. All this may mean that you need a change. Assess your life, identify your stressors, and cut them out through learning to listen to your body.