The Relationship Between School and Stress

Students face a wide range of ongoing stress as a result of the academic demands they are constantly subjected to. School induces stress for a number of reasons that are slightly specific to the student experiencing the stress. They tend to range from pressure to achieve the top grades to comparing academic achievements and equating self-worth with academic success. Academic-related stress has several adverse effects on students, including decreasing academic achievement and motivation and increasing the risk of school dropout. The long-term impacts include reduced likelihood of sustainable employment, which can cost governments billions of dollars each year.

School is the major cause of academic-related stress

Many teachers always wonder why students are always stressed at school despite the many initiatives that are put in place to reduce “school stress”. However, what they fail to realize is that the nature of school and the environment students are exposed to at school are what cause the academic-related stress. We are praised if we achieve the top grades and we are punished if we underperform; this perpetuating cycle conditions students to feel a constant need to achieve the highest grades through positive reinforcement, which is the principle that education is based on. I am not proposing that this principle is invalid as, evidently, it is successful at encouraging students to progress and complete higher education. However, it is this nature of the way schools operate that induces academic-related stress for several different reasons.

Why are students stressed?

It has become clear that academic-related stress has an impact on a student’s learning capacity, academic performance, and mental well-being, but where does this stress originate? Other than the pressure felt from one’s parents and teachers to constantly remain at the top, achieving the best grades, and wanting to be the best in the class, the major cause of academic-related stress is the idea that one’s academic success equates to their self-worth. This is an issue that schools fail to tackle as it requires changing the mindset of students regarding their academics and the way they view education. For an outstanding student that is constantly achieving the best grades, underperforming on one exam induces feelings of self-hatred as constantly performing highly has been equated with one’s self-worth. In reality, this mentality is flawed as underperforming on one test does not mean that they are not successful students; there are a range of reasons why students underperform on particular tests.

Ways to overcome academic-related stress

Academic-related stress is prevalent, yet there are ways we can overcome it to prevent it from adversely impacting performance and well-being:

  • Stop comparing your success with that of other students and remember that your academic journey is unique to you.
  • Stop focusing on the grade you achieved and, instead, focus on the feedback you receive from your teachers. Receiving constructive feedback is the most important component of learning. Analyzing your mistakes or the gaps in your knowledge and learning from your mistakes can boost your academic success and reduce the feeling of stress by understanding what went “wrong”.
  • Speak to your teachers or friends. If you are feeling stressed because of school, communicating these feelings with your teachers, friends, or family can help provide reassurance and prevent anxiety-provoking thoughts. Make sure to contact your school counselor if you feel like your stress is negatively impacting your performance.

  • View learning and education as more than just achieving the top grades. Going to school should be enjoyable and learning new content should be fun. Instead of viewing studying as a means of achieving the top grades, view studying as a way for you to have stimulating and intellectual thoughts, which can boost your academic success.

Dealing with school and stress can feel overwhelming and difficult but speaking to those around you is crucial as this is an issue that most students struggle with. Sharing how you are feeling can significantly contribute to reducing academic-related stress. Make sure to seek professional help if the stress you are experiencing is detrimental to your well-being.