The Importance of Face-to-Face Communication

With the new age of social media, physical contact between friends and family has reached an all-time low. Most of us use technology and social media to connect to people from all across the world. Does this mean that we have lost the ability to effectively communicate? Some argue that it is straying us further apart as we have, over time, lacked effective communication skills while growing more accustomed to technology.

Technology has become an important method of communication and has largely replaced the “traditional” ways of communicating. Although this may sound good, many fear the consequences. 

Why facetoface contact is important?

Previous studies have shown that social and physical isolation is tied to negative mental health issues, meaning that they increase the likeliness of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.

People who regularly met up with friends and family and interacted with them seemed to have only about half the reported symptoms of depression. Calling, texting, and online communication, however, did not seem to have the same preservative effect. Researcher Dr. Alan says that, while online communication is not bad for us, it is does not serve as a substitute to face-to-face interaction.

What can we do to combat this?

The most important step to take is to discuss these ideas and how the new technological age that we are living in has increased the divide within classrooms, friend groups, and, most importantly, homes. We must understand the expectations that we are anticipated to fulfill as members of a larger community and explore the idea that doing small things to show that we notice one another can not only help us become more comfortable in our own skin but also help other members of the community as well. 

We need to realize that humans need attention from others and that just being friendly can increase the sense of comfort we feel in our skin. We also need to acknowledge and condemn the damage that our phones are doing and make sure that we take time to focus on others around us. Lastly, make sure to stay positive and encouraging in social situations.Even if you feel a little nervous and uncomfortable at first, you will notice improvement in your social confidence over time 

Knowing all of this, it should be taken as a reminder to strive and show up in person to maintain that special connection with our loved ones, not just for our wellbeing but for theirs as well.