Self Soothe: Taste Techniques

Mindfulness – a way of maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment through a gentle, nurturing lens. Self-soothing techniques help you calm and relax when you are feeling overwhelmed both physically and emotionally. They help you to “regulate” so that you can feel like yourself again. There are several self-soothe techniques you can try to stay calm and grounded using your senses, but for today, we are focusing on your sense of taste. Keep reading to find out about different taste techniques you can use to self-soothe!


Yes, as cliché as it sounds, water is the best technique anyone can use to self-soothe as well as regulate bodily functions. While staying hydrated may not get rid of anxiety entirely, it can help reduce its intensity.


Ritualized relaxation is one of the many benefits of tea. The type of tea you choose to brew can also help to soothe stress and anxiety. One of the key reasons tea is so beneficial for your health is due to L-Theanine, an amino acid that helps to balance mood.


New evidence says that eating dark chocolate every day can reduce stress. Studies show that people who rated themselves highly stressed to begin with had lower levels of stress hormones after eating chocolate every day for two weeks.

Comfort Food 

There does not always have to be a science behind it – if having a not-so-healthy meal helps you feel better, there is no shame in it! Order that burger and fries, drink that milkshake, and just treat yourself!