Mental Hygiene during Corona Times

Perpetual fear has grown to be the symptom of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Mass anxiety over finances and personal health is natural at such times, but it’s vital to try to remain calm. The American Psychology Association states that stress, be it lasting from few days to few weeks, weakens your immune system making you more prone to diseases. But worry not, we’ll try to guide you with a few tricks that we’ve tried ourselves to self-soothe. Whether you’re in your self-quarantine or out in the world working, here are a few tips to regain your serenity.

Sleep Well

Though often neglected, sleep is crucial. – especially at times like these. The National Health Service states that lack of proper sleep can disturb the immune system and disrupt your mood. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, try to tune out your negative thoughts by tuning in to calming music or white noise. More so, attempt a positive domino effect throughout the day to ease your mind before bedtime.

Limit news exposure

The way news is presented changed over the years, and easy access can get bombarding. It is beneficial staying up to date on the news, but if hysteria is dawning upon you, then maybe it’s time to stop. If you can’t help it, check out positive stories too and be aware of biases clouding your judgment. Just remember, not every article is reliable, and probably neither is your family’s WhatsApp panic thread.

Share your vulnerability

Your fears are valid. Regardless of nationality, age, or gender, we are all susceptible to getting ill. Distance yourself as advised, but with compassion. Whether it’s with your family, friends, coworker, or even your Uber driver, share your worries. Locked alone? Call a loved one. Chances are, most are feeling the same way, but it’s a less lonely time supporting each other.

Have a laugh

Laughter releases your happy hormones, and we could all use a bit of that. If you’re in self-quarantine, the internet has got you covered from Netflix shows to video chats with friends. Even in stressful times, there’s always something worth a giggle. If you think about it, we’re probably the only generation that’s created memes about a pandemic.

Practice mindfulness

With the world slowing down, it’s a great time to pause and reflect. Journal pleasant memories. – It might lift your spirits as you’re consciously thinking about what you’re writing, without negative distractions. Squeeze in a meditation or a breathing exercise. Being alive and present in a moment of solitude can keep you collected. Remember, we can’t control the pandemic at large, but we can control our behavior towards ourselves and our society. Juggling your sanity can be tough, but look ma, no hands.

1 thought on “Mental Hygiene during Corona Times”

  1. Dana Smith Bader

    Great tips for keeping the pandemic from being mentally overwhelming. So simple sounding, yet so necessary.

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