Affirmations & Reassurance Towards Well-Being

Words are powerful. However, they are not just powerful enough to communicate with others but also to ourselves. Words can be used to transform your mindset and induce happiness within you.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations refer to phrases we repeatedly say to ourselves. Research shows that 80% of most people’s thoughts are negative. The vast majority of the negativity can be understood by knowing that you have up to 50,000 thoughts a day.  Affirmations can be used to build a more positive atmosphere in our minds. They are powerful and positive sentences that are meant to inspire, energize, and motivate you by influencing the subconscious mind. In turn, positive affirmations instill a more optimistic outlook on life which changes our actions and reactions.

How does it work?

Our subconscious mind refers to all of the thoughts beneath the surface, which are barely acknowledged. This part of our mind is unable to tell the difference between past and future, thus positive affirmations can be used to trick the mind; that is why it is essential to state affirmations as though they are true right now.

One way to begin affirming is by listing all the traits of yourself that you find negative, rephrase them into positive affirmations, and then repeat the affirmations to yourself.

The most common way to begin your affirmations is with “I am”. Another tip is to use the present tense and speak about what you want. Keep it brief but do not forget to be specific at the same time. You can write it or chant it but ensure that you set aside a time within the day in which you are relaxed to do so.

For example, if you are feeling unsure of yourself, you could say, “I believe in myself.” If you would like to reduce the anxiety before an important exam, you could say, “I am going to do well and ace this test.” If you are feeling low about your appearance, you could say, “I am beautiful and blessed to be in this body.”

What are the benefits of affirmations?

  • They are known to reduce your negativity, fear, worry, and anxiety.
  • They motivate you to act.
  • They help you concentrate on your goals.
  • They change your negative mindset into a positive one.
  • They influence your subconscious mind into believing new, positive things.
  • They help reduce insecurities and boost your self-confidence.