The Stigma Behind Therapists

Oftentimes, due to the stigma that exists regarding therapy around the world, particularly in the Middle East, therapists are often seen as “bad guys”.

Therapists and What They Do

What is sometimes overlooked is the fact that therapists work to help you, guide you, and show you that you are not alone. There is absolutely no shame in seeking help!

Therapists are licensed mental health professionals that aim to help you reduce certain symptoms, as well as develop improved emotional and cognitive skills to help you function more efficiently on a daily basis. Therapists are people who have trained rigorously in various techniques in order to become licensed. 

Your therapist is not meant to make you feel bad or judge you in any way. Their work is strictly confidential. They aim to offer you objective methods of getting better when you are struggling with something.

Recognizing Bad Therapists

Despite the fact that therapists are not bad guys all in all, like with many other professions, there are some therapists that are simply better than others. If one therapist does not work for you, it definitely does not mean that all of them are the same! You just have to do some more looking until you find one that you are comfortable with.

Here are some signs that you might have a “bad” therapist – 

  • Not listening or responding
  • Judging you
  • Breaking confidentiality 
  • Not being sensitive to your beliefs and background
  • Shaming mental illness
  • Pushing you to talk when you are not ready to