The Problems with Self-Diagnosis

Education and self-awareness tend to go hand-in-hand very often. In order to be more self-aware, you need to be educated and knowledgeable about certain things. This education helps put many things in perspective for you and helps you clearly distinguish between one thing and the other.

Mental Health

As talked about many times before, mental health is stigmatized. Hence, so many things are left unknown. In this case, our self-awareness, oftentimes, tends to be lower than it is with other things. In order to tackle this issue, during the battle of eradicating mental health stigma, we often preach about educating ourselves in order to compensate for the knowledge that society never provided us before. Mental health education is one that is very crucial for our mental protection. If you did not know what was going on inside your head, how else would you be able to fix the problem should it ever arise?

Why can it be a problem?

We regularly hear of physicians and professionals in the field complain about Dr. Google. Overexaggerating the problem is something that can happen when we search something online. Of course, this goes for both our physical and mental symptoms. With mental health problems and disorders, there tends to be a lot of overlap and subjectivity in the symptoms and how they are manifested. In addition, many disorders are comorbid. This entails that they tend to occur together at the same time or as a result of each other. 


Mental health disorders are not as simple as society sometimes portrays them to be. Some are more complex than others. Some are more difficult to deal with than others. In any case, whether it was physical or mental, it is never advised to self-diagnose and treat yourself. Looking into things online is almost always only the tip of the iceberg, and it is never the full picture. While it is great to be educated and self-aware about things, it is never the best solution to go toward the direction of diagnosing your issue on your own. Due to the complexity of our bodies and minds, it is always best to seek help from a professional should you ever feel like things are beyond your control.