The Impact on Society’s Mental State Due to Unemployment

As different countries try to deal with the health impacts of COVID-19, a secondary issue that has been created due to this pandemic is the economic crisis. Unemployment is affecting everyone everywhere. With people being put on part-time contracts, being asked to take a leave of absence, and getting fired, this new reality is daunting for many, hence, directly impacting their mental health.


Not a single country has been immune to COVID-19’s impact, especially in the economic sense. Unemployment rates have increased drastically all over the world, and the effects are evident. In April, the United Nation’s International Labor Organization predicted a loss of 2.7 billion workers. In addition, the IMF has predicted that the MENA economy would reduce by 3.3% in 2020. While this is a projection of how COVID-19 will affect the world’s economy in the near future, the underlying issue at the moment is that a lot of people have been unemployed as a result of the pandemic’s effect on the economy.

Unemployment and Mental Health

The economic and mental health effects of unemployment are undeniably interwoven. Losing your job means losing financial income, and, to many, this means a drastic decline in standard of living. Experiencing this can mean that you are no longer able to socialize so as not to spend money. As a result, this can cause a negative effect on self-esteem. Additionally, the pressure exerted on yourself to ensure that you can sustain yourself and/or your families during these times can create major stress and anxiety. Social activity limitations, financial insecurity, and other pressures may all result in feelings of sadness and emptiness, causing a huge blow to your self-esteem and self-worth.

The COVID-19 experience is an isolated one – quite literally. We are all confined to our homes, erasing the factor of social activity entirely. This has taken away a huge source of stress relief for many. To be able to be a part of the outside world and get your mind off of your stresses is a coping mechanism for many that has been completely eliminated. The silver lining in all of this is the fact that, more or less, everyone is on the same boat. Though this pandemic has been such a unique experience, we are all in this together. There is a good chance that whatever you are feeling is felt by many others, too.

What can you do?

Take this time to look inwards. We spend so much time reeling and tumbling forward in life trying to find our place in the world that we often neglect the healing our souls and minds desperately need. Try to invest in learning things you have always wanted to try but never had the time to – like painting or playing an instrument. This can be healing and fruitful. Create a routine to keep a sense of normalcy. Having something to wake up for can help decrease feelings of emptiness. Try to set a time for things you can do during the day.

The most important thing to know is that you are not defined by the job you occupy. Who you are is limitless and is not bound to job titles that will come and go. If finances are low right now, know that, just like with this sudden change, nothing has the luxury of staying the same. With that being said, be kind to yourself, reach out to the people around you, and take things one step at a time.