The Effects of Cultural Stigma in the Workplace

Cultural stigma is a key obstacle in accessing mental health care. The stigma surrounding mental illness can sometimes be more destructive than mental illness itself. The personal experiences with stigma relating to cultural values and beliefs impact the ability of an individual to utilize mental health resources in ways that are not often spoken of. 

What is Cultural Stigma?

Cultural stigma is defined as “culturally-based shared attitudes and beliefs that negatively influence the way one thinks about the self, others, and society.” In general, stigma is when someone sees you in a negative way because of a particular characteristic or attribute, such as skin color, cultural background, a disability, or a mental illness. Cultural stigma discrimination can make mental health problems worse and stop a person from getting the help they need.

The Impact of Cultural Stigma in the Workplace on Mental Heath

Some of the detrimental consequences of cultural stigma in the workplace on mental health include –

  • Feelings of humiliation, hopelessness, and seclusion
  • Hesitancy to ask for help or to get treatment
  • Lack of understanding by family, friends, or others
  • Fewer opportunities for employment or social interaction
  • Bullying, physical violence, or harassment

Dealing with Cultural Stigma 

So, how can a person deal with cultural stigma? Some coping mechanisms include –

  • Do not believe it. Oftentimes, when we constantly hear or experience something, we start to believe it ourselves. Therefore, keep in mind that other people’s ignorance and unawareness should not be given the chance to influence the way you feel about yourself. 
  • Do not hide away. Be proud of where you have come from, your background, and traditions. You will find someone who can relate to you or is interested in getting to know you and your culture even more. 
  • It is not personal. This is not an excuse, but rather a new perspective to deal with things better. Remind yourself that other people’s judgements come from a lack of understanding rather than anything else. What they are saying is not based off of facts set in stone. 

All in all, cultural stigma is rooted in ignorance. We must do better because it greatly impacts a person’s mental health and self-concept.