The Different Types of Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are a very common way of reducing anxiety in times of need. Breathing can help ease the stress by calming down your body. Breathing exercises often only take a few minutes but are super effective. It is always beneficial to choose a quiet place that is comfortable for you to do the exercise in. Being comfortable is at the very core of its success.

Different Breathing Exercises

Below are different kinds of breathing exercises that you can try. You may try several and you may just stick to one –

  • Deep Breathing

Simply taking deeper and bigger breaths all the way to your belly can go a long way in energizing you and reducing anxiety. To do this, you must breathe in deeply through your nose, and breathe out through your nose as well. To make sure that you are doing it correctly, place one hand on your belly and one on your chest. Your belly should be rising higher than your chest.

  • Breathe Focus

This breathing technique requires you to focus on specific thoughts while doing the exercise. Close your eyes and take in deep breaths. As you breathe in, focus your thinking on the fact that you are actively breathing in the peace and calm. As you breathe out, focus on the fact that you are actively breathing out the stress and tension.

  • Equal Time

With this exercise, take in deep breaths and count up to a certain number. Make sure to breathe out for the same amount of time. Repeat the same process several times while increasing the count if you feel comfortable doing so. 

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This breathing technique requires you to tense up certain muscle groups and releasing the tension as you breathe out. Doing the exercise while you are lying down is often the most effective way to make use of it. Make sure to lie down comfortably and work your way up your body. You can work with your legs, belly, chest, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck, and face.