Online Schooling and its Effects on Mental Health

Over the past couple of months, students have been facing disruptive changes due to the coronavirus – academically, socially, and mentally. Online schooling, though beneficial in avoiding the virus, has taken a toll on many pupils. At first, it seemed fun attending class in your pj’s, but as time passed by, many felt that their education is being jeopardized. Students feel anxious as to whether or not they are doing well in their studies. At the same time, they experience an equal amount of anxiety over the thought of returning to school in September. Cases in the UAE have been decreasing over the past couple of weeks, but the virus remains out there. While some may be thrilled to gather around friends again during lunch break, others will have to face the anxiety and distress. 

The tough situation 

Regardless of age, extended periods of isolation can be detrimental to one’s mental health, even for those without preexisting mental conditions. Students may feel overwhelmed by multiple concerns that go beyond their education. Due to financial issues that many are facing at the moment, students may fear their parents’ job security and the family’s economic well-being as a whole. More on that, some students have to deal with toxic households. Such situations may cause symptoms of anxiety or depression to arise, which can have adverse effects on one’s self in the long run. The bottom line, it’s a lot to take in – especially for young adults. 

How to be supportive 

Now more than ever, students need support from their peers, teachers, and families. Online schooling has its pros and cons, and each of them differs from one pupil to another. It is vital to check-in and offer the support they need – be it in matters of studying or coping mentally with the situation at hand. Some students’ academic performance or motivation has suffered and may continue after summer vacation. The critical component here is to put effort into personalizing the approach to each student. Take the time of the day genuinely listen to each student and creating a safe environment to share their vulnerabilities.  

Take care of yourself

Returning to school is stress on its own to many, let alone during a virus outbreak. Taking sanitary precautions is crucial, and thankfully, you’re in safe hands. The DHA offers many tips on their Instagram on how to stay safe during these times. As for the stress faced from classes, bear in mind that this has been a collective experience to everyone. Share your concerns with your family and teachers; they will understand. And remember, September is two months away; there’s a good chance of having zero cases in the UAE by then