Maintaining Mindfulness During Gatherings in Ramadan

Ramadan can be a very mentally and physically demanding time during the year for many individuals. However, it is also when many people gather with their families and friends to celebrate the holy month, which can prove to be very socially draining for more introverted individuals. It is completely understandable to need a break for a quick breath!

In many scenarios, gatherings can become very loud and overwhelming. In particular, this may be the case after the outbreak of the pandemic when many of us have grown used to spending time in isolation within our home environment. Although spending quality time with friends and family is important, it is critical to ensure that you remain mindful towards your mental health at gatherings. 

Maintaining Mindfulness

Individuals often feel pressured to participate in these group gatherings, even if it means simply being present. Instead of urging you to participate and get involved, here are a few activities that you can try to center yourself and ensure you prioritize your mental health in all scenarios.

To successfully achieve this mindfulness if you ever feel overwhelmed or simply exhausted from socializing, take a break by separating yourself and finding a quiet place where you can reflect. The mindfulness exercises can last for however long required based on the individual, but there are a few methods that can be implemented to redirect your focus and help you calm down. For example, by practicing gratitude and making a mental list of everything you are thankful for, you can divert your attention to your positive surroundings! Another method is practicing breathing and meditation in a separate room to regain your own thoughts and center yourself. Lastly, you can choose an object to focus on and evaluate its finer details to distract your mind.

Moreover, there may be other individuals that are similarly feeling suffocated or exhausted from the social scene, so it is also important to check up on our loved ones to ensure that they are not overwhelmed by the gatherings taking place. This simple act of kindness could drastically help your friends and family as well!

Although these activities and methods are very simple to conduct, they ensure that you are able to return to a crowded room with a calm mindset. So, the next time you feel your social battery being drained, especially during Ramadan gatherings, try out these simple activities!