Dealing with Toxic Families

Within the Arab and Muslim community in the Middle Eastern and North African region, family is a very important part of culture. Being a part of a family entails an eternal bond that consists of commitment, duties, respect, etc.

Toxic Families

Toxicity is something that may exist in many different types of relationships, whether it was with your friends, classmates, coworkers, your partner, or even your family members. The most important step in healing through this process is recognizing the toxicity and how it affects you.

Below are some signs –

  • Unrealistic standards 
  • Harsh criticism
  • Lack of meeting needs and support
  • Feeling controlled
  • Not feeling love, compassion, or respect
  • Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse
  • Chronic or persistent dysfunction

What can I do?

It can be very hard and draining to live with a toxic family or a toxic family member. In this case, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem. Sometimes, it is not easy to simply get rid of the situation completely or cut off ties with that family member. Hence, we definitely recommend specific coping mechanisms that you can try –

  • Set boundaries and decide what you want out of that relationship
  • Practice detachment in terms of limiting things such as conversations or staying out of certain situations
  • Decide what to share with them and what to keep private 
  • Learn when to say no
  • Do not try to change them
  • Talk to someone – a friend or a professional – about what is going on at home

Make sure to seek the help that you need when it comes to this issue. Practice coping mechanisms and setting boundaries in order to help relieve some of the stress. Please remember that, even if they are your family members, you do not owe them anything if they cause you any emotional pain or distress.