5 Necessary Ways You Should Practice Resting

It is critical to remember that sleep and rest are different. Sleep is a body function, while rest is more than that. Rest is about your whole self, not just your body. When you rest, you restore your total health – your mind, emotions, and social being. Rest can help you enhance your productivity every day and help you have a better sense of who you are. It helps you grow out of your exhaustion.

Importance of Rest 

Rest is incredibly important to your body health. As one Inc article points out, many studies have proven the myriad benefits of rest. Rest reduces stress, gives you the opportunity to be more active, works against the many detriments of a sedentary lifestyle, and boosts your immune system. It enhances your sleep quality and can, according to some studies, even add years to your life.

Consequences of Not Getting Enough Rest 

Some of the more minor consequences include fatigue and exhaustion, irritability, mood changes, and difficulty focusing and remembering. However, the major consequences are much more dangerous. They include health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, obesity, depression, and immunity issues.

5 Types of Rest to Allow Yourself 

  • Physical Rest – it is essential because your body is a big part of who you are. You could even do yoga to provide your body with stretching exercises. If you yawn during the day, it is a sign your body is not getting sufficient rest and oxygen to the brain. If you stare at your computer and have trouble keeping your eyes open, you may need to take a 30-minute nap and rest physically.
  • Mental Rest – if your thoughts turn negative and you start becoming self-conscious and self-aware of your actions, you need a mental rest. It is essential to step away from your computer and smartphone and take some time to yourself. Your brain needs a mental rest or break. When you come back, you will feel more refreshed.
  • Creative Rest – we are all creators or innovators, whether we realize it or not. To be creative, you need to make sure your glass is more than half full. It would help if you mastered the art of being bored. Do nothing for 10 to 15 minutes. Stare out the window. Walk outside. Watch the trees blow in the breeze. Look at the bees on the flowers. Inspiration comes when you are not looking for it. You need rest to be creative.
  • Sensory Rest – it is tough to be on tons of Zoom calls and be social all the time. You need rest and have time to yourself. Take a step back and disconnect from the world. Reconnect with yourself. We are often in front of a computer screen throughout the day, so we can get exhausted in a sensory way – the physical senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.
  • Emotional Rest – emotions are mental reactions such as anger or fear toward an object or person. Many emotional triggers cause stress during the day, such as a song that makes you cry or interacting with someone that brings up memories or experiences that spark intense emotional reactions despite your mood. When you bottle up your thoughts, it is a recipe for disaster. Connect with a friend or family member who just listens to you without judging. If you do not have a friend, seek out a professional listener such as a therapist.

Rest is often looked at as an essential part of your productivity. To make sure that you have the energy every day, we need different types of rest. Rest restores different parts of your life and helps you relax, refocus, and reboot yourself during the day.