Why You Should Stop Sharing Your Insecurities with People

“Fake it until you make it” is a cliché phrase you often hear and may cringe at, but is one that surprisingly works, nonetheless. If you do act like it, though, who is going to question it? The year 2016 brought a new trend of using self-deprecating humor, which is the constant criticism of ourselves, in order to appear more relatable. It has infested itself in the form of memes, hashtags, and GIFs mostly across Tumblr and Twitter. 

Until now, there are still people on social media that continue to use self-deprecation as a way to for humor to become a coping mechanism when dealing with their personal insecurities. Instead of enabling that mindset, others are now trying to push the theme of self-love and embracing confidence instead of humiliation. It is completely understandable for this mindset to feel intimidating and hard to achieve, but there are ways that you can slowly start working on yourself to get yourself up to a much better self-loving place.

Stop Sharing Your Insecurities with Everyone Around You

When did it start to become the business of everyone to know all of your deepest, darkest insecurities? You do not always have to share that information with people. Do not point out the pimple on your cheek that you woke up with that morning or that you think the shirt you are wearing makes you look fat. If you point out an insecurity to someone, that is all they are going to see because you have showed it to them. The reality is that no one cares about you as much as you care about yourself, so if you do not say anything, they are likely to never even notice it to begin with. 

Do Not Allow Opinions to Have Big Impacts on Your Life  

People will feel more compelled to criticize you if the only thing they see is that you are judging yourself first. Putting yourself down all the time, especially in public, means that it will open up the space for other people to give their opinion, too. However, if all you exude is confidence in yourself and show them that you do not actually need any of their opinions to live your life freely, they will be too intimidated to even say anything. 

Practice Daily Affirmations in the Mirror Every Morning

Start hyping yourself up every day! Start it now. Do not even wait till the morning. Self-love is so important in building up confidence, and it all starts by practicing affirmations every single day. A good trick to try if you feel like you do not believe in yourself just yet is to lie. Feeling like you are awful as soon as you are out of bed? Lie. “My frizzy hair is actually a whole vibe, and those eye bags are on trend. I look good!” Eventually, all the lies you tell yourself so that you can feel better will soon become reality and learning to appreciate your looks will be second nature.

Manifest the Person that You Want to Become 

Think of how the ideal alternate reality person that lives inside your head feels every day and what makes them so confident. Start acting like you are already that person and soon you will find yourself becoming that. By manifesting this life and promising yourself to the commitment of achieving it, you will soon find yourself making the effort subconsciously purely from having the faith that you can achieve that. 

Act Like You Are All That Because You Are 

The hottest quality in a person that makes them so attractive is their level of confidence. It appears in your walk, your talk, your facial expressions, and the way you carry your clothes, and it is fascinating to see. What is stopping you from walking down the street and acting like you are the hottest person alive? The only person you are trying to prove something to should be yourself, and that is enough. So as long as you believe it, you will become it. 

Confidence starts from the inside out, and it is never too late to start working on it. Stop enabling people on social media that glamorize the idea that you always have to feel insecure to appear funny since nothing good will come as a result of that. Start hyping up the idea of self-love instead and life will be just a little bit easier. 

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