What is the Difference: OCD VS. OCPD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are often mixed up with one another. We do not blame anyone – their names are quite confusing! However, given that one is an anxiety disorder and the other is a personality disorder, there are many differences that are important to note.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD is characterized, from the name, by obsessions and compulsions. The obsessions comprise of recurring and unwanted thoughts or sensations. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors. Obsessions and compulsions can differ in nature by a whole lot. Some people might be obsessed with cleanliness and, hence, wash their hands frequently. Others might have different obsessions that lead them to repeatedly check things or even hoard collectables. OCD most definitely does not look the same in everyone.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

OCPD is characterized by preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control. People with OCPD often lack flexibility in that regard. While you might notice that people with OCD have a preoccupation with orderliness and perfectionism from the outside, it is not how it is from the inside. The key difference is the presence of obsessions and compulsions as distinct factors.  OCPD is a personality disorder and has its own set of differences.

What are some key differences?

OCPD is a personality disorder, meaning that it has to do with personal characteristics. It is not an anxiety-related disorder. People with OCPD like things to be done a certain way and are usually very strict in that regard. OCPD, unlike OCD, is all about rules and control. However, OCD is just characterized by the obsessions and compulsions, which are usually there as a result of a “feared event”. Of course, due to their differences as well, they are treated using different techniques and medications in therapy.

While some people may find even the differences between the disorders confusing, if you think you are struggling with either of those disorders, make sure to consult with a specialist. Ask them any questions you have. Getting the right diagnosis is always the first step towards efficient healing!

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