What is it: Self-Neglect?

Self-neglect is a very untouched and misunderstood topic when it comes to mental health. When one neglects themselves, it often means that they are unable or even not willing to take care of themselves in all aspects of their lives – both physically and psychologically. This article will discuss what it means when we self-neglect and how self-neglect actually includes various mechanisms that we do unconsciously but do not notice nor think much of. It will also bring to light how self-neglect is negatively impacts the individual

What is Self-Neglect?

According to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, self-neglect refers to “individuals who are unwilling or unable to do the needed self-care.” This means that they may be malnourished from the lack of ability or willingness to eat or that they may wear clothes that are unclean or torn. More so, they could also be living in dangerous living conditions and possibly not get the right medical care on purpose. Self-neglect could be very obvious as showcased in the aforementioned points, or they could be so subtle that they are not even noticed nor even classified as self-neglect!

These include, as explained in an Instagram post by the accredited The Depression Project, you could be self-neglecting when you have a to-do list that never ends or when you blame the to-do list on not doing the proper self-care tactics, such as having alone time, taking care of your food intake, showering, wearing good clothes, etc. Another sign of self-neglect is when you accept taking on more things without really checking in with your mental state and seeing if you are able to take these things on or if you are able to go out. Neglecting your own needs, whatever they may be, and being there for others when they need you is also another sign of self-neglect. You could also be showcasing blame to yourself for not doing a proper task, forgetting to do something, or not meeting your perfectionist standards all without taking into consideration your own needs or even how realistic your measurements of these standards are. Additionally, when you areburnt out but still continue to work through it, it is also a sign that you are neglecting your self-needs!

Associations with Self-Neglect

According to an article by the NBCI titled “Narratives of Self-Neglect: Patterns of Traumatic Personal Experiences and Maladaptive Behaviors in Cognitively Intact Older Adults”, self-neglect was associated with various past experiences. These include, but are not limited to, individuals who have maladaptive behaviors like drug abuse problems or financial issues, paranoia, lack of trust in medical institutions, and lifelong mental sicknesses. Additionally, certain traumatic experiences were found as well, which include losing someone really close to you, being left by parents, or facing a separation. Other traumatic experiences include psychological, physical, and sexual abuse and being in an area where you are exposed to war or violence. A fourth experience includes prolonged mourning.

Self-neglect is not something that should be overlooked, especially considering its long-lasting negative effects on an individual. Individuals struggling with self-neglect and not knowing how to take care of themselves should consider seeking help.

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