Cognitive behavioral therapy is one mechanism among many that is used as a therapeutic treatment. It is “a form of psychosocial treatment that addresses issues of anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug use, marital issues, eating disorders, and severe mental illness.” This treatment, as shown by studies, has immense positive impacts on the patients who undergo that technique. CBT is based on cognition and behavior, meaning that the treatment will focus on these two main features.
Aspects of CBT
There are various aspects that CBT tackles –
- It focuses on unhealthy ways of thinking. It understands that this way of thinking is a cause of psychological issues.
- Unhealthy behavior is seen as a source of mental health issues.
- This form of treatment also understands that people can manage to cope with their issues in better and healthier way.
What Does CBT Offer?
It targets our thinking pattern. There are various mechanisms used to target our thinking pattern. First, it focuses on “learning to recognize distortions in thinking that are creating problems, and then reevaluate them in light of reality.” This means that we should understand our irrational thoughts and tackle them from a different view. CBT makes us gain a more thorough understanding of how people behave and motivate them. CBT also teaches us to cope with hard situations using certain skills. Furthermore, it works to enhance our sense of confidence.
CBT and Behavioral Patterns
- CBT offers a face-off with our fears.
- Through it, we should also prepare for problematic situations so that we know how to handle them.
- CBT also allows for one to calm themselves internally, mind and body alike.