The Influence of Exercise on Body Positivity

In today’s world of bombarding stimuli on social media of what one’s body should look like and fad diets, it is easy for people to develop insecurities and negative body images, especially amongst young people. Exercise trends are associated with helping one get that “summer body” rather than encouraging fitness and well-being. This, in turn, promotes a negative body image as it suggests that one must look a certain way and that there is a certain “ideal” body. However, by changing your mindset towards exercise, it can be utilized to help you appreciate the body you have and feel comfortable in your skin. By focusing more so on your growing strength and fitness level, you can truly appreciate the power exercise possesses.

Why is it important to change the way you perceive exercise? 

Exercise may help one get in shape, but if you are exercising in order to look a certain way, I will let you in on a secret: it is probably not going to be sustainable. To truly be consistent with exercise, you must appreciate and be grateful for the body you already have and work with it. You must exercise to make you and your body feel good. So, do not go for that Pilates class just because it guarantees weight loss, go for an exercise you enjoy. 

Exercise is so much more than just for losing weight. It allows you to relieve your stress and, if you focus on the how exercise makes you feel rather than obsessing over a physical body goal, you can truly become comfortable within your body. Exercise can often be rigorous; it is important to show up for yourself and acknowledge the effort you are putting into bettering your health. It is also crucial to understand that we all have imperfections within our bodies. These “imperfections” are beautiful and what you make you unique. They are what makes you yourself. 

I think the biggest misconception within society today is the idea that exercise is carried out in order to achieve a goal of looking a certain way. However, when referring to fitness goals, it should be more about strength and conditioning of your body and pushing past your limits! That can be by running that one extra mile and beating your personal record on a dead lift. Celebrate your achievements and stop dwelling on the shape of your body because you are beautiful and so much more than your physical appearance. 

More so, it is important to recognize that certain exercises will not make you look like the fitness trainer promoting it. Your body, regardless of what you are working out for, is genetically different than that of others. We differ in terms of metabolism. Accept yourself for who you are and cherish it. 

How can you change your mindset towards exercise?

Ditch the weighing scale. Do not focus on your weight but rather, as aforementioned, on improving your fitness levels and the extent to which you can push yourself.  

Exercise for you and do it as a form of self-acceptance. Do not do it to change yourself. Do it because you care about yourself with the aims of the betterment of your health. Exercise has countless health benefits, such as better heart health, prevention of osteoporosis, and better bone health.

Exercise enables a more positive relationship with your bod. It establishes a mind-body connection, hence enabling the creation of a clearer and more alert mind. Most of all, exercise releases endorphins that promote happiness within you. So, summon that happiness and love your body, your curves, and all your edges. 

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