The Importance of Wholesome Conversations

Most of us hate small talk. It makes interactions with people you care about less exciting. Meaningful conversations are an important factor for happiness. They make us feel less alone and more heard. 

People who spend less time alone and more time talking to others have a much greater sense of personal well-being, suggests the study, which is published in a recent issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. 

Wholesome conversations can connect people who hold different perceptions and, in turn, make one more open-minded. Such conversations help prevent prejudice and biases from taking over as they provide us with an alternative perspective. 

Wholesome conversations enable you to warm up to people. Think about a time where you had a really insightful conversation, how did you feel after? Chances are, it felt good. Wholesome conversations have the ability to leave one feeling refreshed, much like fresh air. 

How can I have a wholesome conversation? 

Start by avoiding the small talk and the basic “how are you doing?”. Attempt to match the energy of the person you are talking to and do not get overly excited by your next thought such that you cut off the other person. It is important to ask questions, especially about things that interest you which are relevant to the discussion as it will keep both of you engaged. Attempt to genuinely relate and find common ground. Do not track onto a conversation that the person you are talking to has no idea about. Furthermore, do not fear silence and talk just for the sake of avoiding it. Do not be afraid to ask questions about the person because you might be surprised with how much people are willing to share. One common starter is “where are you from?” or even “what is your story?”.  Do not be afraid to approach someone new. In a world where we are taught that strangers are danger, we often avoid unknown people despite the fact that that one stranger may be your next best friend.  

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