The Importance of Support Systems

Having a strong support system is medicine. Having friends who have your back when the going gets tough, and a family to back you up when you need them to, is necessary.  There are times where you may feel lonely and where it is psychologically damaging to sit alone with yourself – these are the times you need to reach out to your support system. Do not underestimate the power of having a friend, partner, or family member to talk to – it can literally save your life.

What are Support Systems?

These are people you choose to form a connection with – those who you choose to become a lifelong friend and confidante. This bond that you form with a group of close friends – it can even be just one friend, family member, or even partner – is an unbreakable one and one you can always fall back to when things get tough in your life. There may be times where friendships are tested and even broken, but do not let that prevent you from seeking a new bond with someone new. 

Your social support system gives you advice when you need it, helps you out when you are feeling sick (physically or otherwise), and showcases empathy and warmth. It is interesting to note that social integration, which is under the umbrella of support systems, involves you being integrated into relationships with loved ones and the community you are in. 

Benefits of Support Systems

Having social support has countless benefits, with the first one not being lonely. Having relations where you are integrated socially is a step in the right direction because it is a shield against maladaptive behaviors and health issues. The lack of a support system or even a poor one has been associated with depression and loneliness. It is also shown to increase the risk of alcohol intake, suicide, and heart diseases.

You most likely will not find yourself lonely any longer with the right type of support system. Forming a close bond with a friend is essential to your mental health, and it definitely benefits you and propels you forward! Whether you want to attain your goals, or are facing issues mentally, always reach out to your support system.

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