Healing emotionally can be a difficult process as it requires us to reflect on painful experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
Some signs of emotional pain that can be a sign to begin inner healing are –
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Feelings of guilt and shame
- Difficulty concentrating
- Insomnia
Emotional healing includes processing painful life experiences and the negative emotional reactions by making meaning of it and discovering ways of coping. It allows us to acknowledge all the emotions without being judgmental.
Some signs of emotional healing include –
- Acceptance of experiencing difficult life situations
- Ability to feel emotions
- Being able to focus on current life events
- Easing of physical symptoms such as headaches and sleeplessness
Choosing to heal emotionally takes us a step forward towards recovery and helps the psychological pain to no longer be a factor holding us back. It also allows us to go through it and live in the present moment without having the past as a barrier and feel a great sense of freedom and personal growth as a result.
“Healing does not mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage no longer controls our lives.”