The Benefits of Theater on Mental Health

What is theatre? 

Theater is a platform in which a community is formed. However, the stereotypes constricting theater to only being for outgoing individuals could not be further from the truth as it is still believed that only people with a firm interest in the subject can participate. In reality, theater is a good way to channel stress and anxiety in a creative manner and improve mental health through a plethora of methods.

Actions speak louder than words, and, in theatre, this phrase is completely true as this creative outlet has many ways in which individuals can feel free to express themselves. In turn, this helps induce the feeling of relief.


The performing arts allows people from all ages and backgrounds to come together, which encourages face-to-face interactions. Many studies support the notion that these interactions help improve your mood and decrease depression as well. Due to increased screen time, especially in the times of COVID-19, we find ourselves relying on our gadgets for communication. However, theater helps us remove ourselves from the screen and get into positive social situations.

Moreover, an important aspect of theater consists of improvisation, which enforces a low-risk environment where there is no judgement, hence acting as a coping mechanism to decrease anxiety within individuals. This safe space allows you to express hard-to-deal-with emotions, thus managing mental health in a better way.

Lastly, the arts are very creative in the way that they can increase happiness. People tend to use the reactive part of their brain on a daily basis. However, when you are being creative, you no longer use this side of the brain. The creative brain tends to be more focused whilst engaging with theater and drama, hence improving your mood.

Who can engage with theatre?

Theater is open to people from all ages and backgrounds. In fact, the theater community in Dubai is very diverse – from their casts to their stories. The Junction in Al Serkal as well as The Courtyard in Al Qouz provide many opportunities for individuals to take part in theater and have created a very diverse community. This safe environment encourages everyone and anyone to participate in theater at least once in their life to boost happiness and creativity.

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