Staying Mindful: The Wise Mind Exercise

We all get overwhelmed in intense situations with loved ones, whether it be family members or friends. Sometimes, we even become overwhelmed with our own personal lives and duties. In these moments, it is important to take a step back. It is okay to not be able to handle everything at once. When in these states of worry and distraught, we tend to begin to think with our emotional minds and allow our feelings towards the situation to overcome logic – this is where “wise mind” comes into play. 

What is “Wise Mind”?

Wise Mind is a place where a reasonable mind and an emotional mind overlap. It is the integration of both of these minds. It is a mindfulness skill which allows you to take a step back and look at things from a wise-minded perspective. To do this, you must be in a peaceful state of mind and be able to reflect on your distraught in both a rational and emotional way to form a “wise mind” conclusion.

How it is Done

To do this now is quite simple. Draw a venn diagram with one circle to write down your reasonable thoughts about the situation and another to write down your emotional thoughts. Then, in the middle, write down a rational conclusion combining both perspectives.

What Happens?

By doing this exercise, you will form the ability to draw upon reasonable conclusions around situations that overwhelm you. Like anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Stay calm and do a Wise Mind exercise!

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