Stress can take over our lives and affect us in many different ways. Your mental health can deteriorate, and you may begin to experience mental exhaustion. In other cases, your physical health can take a hit as well. You may begin to experience heart problems and other physical illnesses if your stress is ongoing for too long. Hence, it is very important for us to implement self-care techniques as a means of reducing and managing stress in order to prevent burnout.
- Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries can come in handy in many aspects of your life. Setting boundaries in your relationships and friendships can save you from mental stress and unnecessary anxiety at times. It helps you take control. Learn to say no when you need to! If your boss is overwhelming you at work, communicate your needs to them. Do whatever it is you need to do to not overwhelm yourself.
- Limit Screen Time
Limiting screen time can save you some stress in many cases. Our phones are very important parts of our lives oftentimes. While it is important to catch up on news on social media or talk to our friends, we still need to recognize that we need time solely to ourselves. Take some time away from your phone and do something for you.
- Spend Time in Nature
Nature can be very relaxing and can help you take a breather when you need it. Whether it was taking yourself out for a picnic, going to read by the beach, or just going for a walk or a run, spending time in nature can help you relieve some stress during hard times.
- Journal
Journaling is talked about extensively within the mental health community. Letting things out by writing them down can be so effective. It even does not always have to be talking about the negative things in your life! You can journal down good things that happened to you or things that you are grateful for. Whenever you need it, you can always go back to it.
- Limit Caffeine
Limiting caffeine and other harmful substances is very necessary for you to keep both your physical and mental health in check in the long run, which are things that your body would definitely thank you for, too. With that, you are helping yourself limit some extra stress!