Methods To Help Towards Shifting Perspectives

Learning how to shift your perspective on your life can be a challenge. Viewing different situations from a different angle takes time to adapt, but it is not impossible. Changing the outlook of your life begins with you. It begins with your own decisions and your own choices. No one is able to change your perspective on your life other than yourself. When you choose to shift the way you see things, you are opening yourself to new and endless opportunities to find what truly makes you happy, as well as opening up to learning things about yourself that you did not know you were capable of. 

Although it is challenging to make that shift, it can be changed slowly and as each day goes by, you will start to realize that things are changing around you, which could be a positive or negative impact, depending on which direction you choose to look at it from. Your perspective can lead you into a negative space, or it can you take you to find your purpose and heal from the negative environment around you. Choosing to change your views on your life will open you up to an abundant flow of positive energy. 

Here are some methods you can learn to outgrow from your negative lifestyle and live freely.

  • Why do you want to change your life? 

Simple. You may be unhappy with the way you deal with situations or with the way your life is not granting you what you are looking for. It is up to you to make that change. Stop thinking about what your life should have been and start thinking about what you want to change in your life. There is always room for improvement. Begin with small changes. If your sleeping pattern is irregular, start by fixing it day by day until you are satisfied with the changes you have made to bring you better sleep. Beginning to fix and change minor issues within yourself can make the biggest impact on you without you even noticing. With that being said, start slowly manifesting the dream life you have by taking actions.

  • What am I afraid of? 

We were all born with fear, but we were also all born to learn to cope with fear. Fear is a construct built to protect ourselves from the unexpected. It is a natural response that we can never get rid of, but we can adapt and cope with it. Ask yourself what it is that you are truly afraid of. Try to understand what makes you so afraid to shift your life from one place to another. Ask yourself why you are so afraid of change. Does change make you uncomfortable? It should. Change is a very uncomfortable feeling, especially for those struggling with their anxiety. Some may adapt quicker than others. Some have already built a pattern so deep that it would take them months, if not years, to break through from, which is completely normal. Change should be difficult; it is not an overnight thing. It takes baby steps to get there. You need to come to terms with yourself and accept that this makes you feel afraid, but that you are able to change. Shift your mindset by thinking of the best possible scenario rather than thinking of the worst scenarios immediately. Shifting your mindset will help ease out that fear built inside of you. 

  • How can I comfort myself?

Think of yourself as your child self. What would they have wanted to feel? What would you say to your child self to comfort them? If you were to talk to a child who felt the way you did, what would you tell them? You would never tell a child self-demeaning things like “you are a loser” or “you will never be good enough”. Instead, you would say something assuring and positive. So, why do you not treat yourself as that child? Every time you think of something that is self-criticizing, think of yourself as a child and ask what you did to deserve these negative thoughts. 

  • Count your blessings 

Gratitude plays a huge role in shifting your perspective. This does not mean that you need to forget about everything that is making you anxious or that is worrying you. However, forcing yourself to note down the things that you are grateful for brings your mind back to the things that you love and appreciate. No matter the situation, you ultimately have something to be grateful towards, even if it is something as silly as breathing. You may not feel like you are blessed, but you are. Write down four to five things you are grateful for. You could probably list even more. Just remember that your happiness should not depend on having a lot of “stuff”, but more of things that are sentimental to you, those around you, and even yourself. 

  • What brings you joy?

Figure out what it is that brings you joy – could be a place, a person, or a thing. Figure out what it is that opens up your heart, which does not necessarily mean that you are obligated to feel joy around people who feel joyful around you. You are not obligated to seek happiness from anyone that does not add value into your life, regardless of whether or not they are happy around you. Sometimes, we get sucked in so deep in the happiness of others that it takes away from ours. 

Begin looking at yourself from a different angle. Start noticing what is not serving you a purpose and cut that out. It may be hard at the beginning but once you start becoming more aware, you will be able to protect your own wellbeing. Keep an open mind and heart. Things might not change overnight, but over time, they will. Opportunities are endless; there is no deadline for opportunity. Choose to put yourself first and see how your life changes. 

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