Manifestation and Why You Need It

I am sure that you might have seen numerous people on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok constantly ramble on about manifestation and even try to give you cheat codes – all in hopes that it will lead you to becoming the most successful version of yourself and get everything you ever wanted in life. 

In fact, the word “manifestation” has become so popular on the Internet that, from late March to mid-July in 2020, Google searches for the term reached 669 percent.  

What does manifestation really mean and does it actually work? 

Manifestation, to put it into simple words, is “something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs.”  

It is believed to come from the Law of Attraction philosophy that is based on the idea that positive and negative thoughts result in positive and negative experiences occurring in our lives. 

A key component in this theory is that the most successful way you can change your negative thinking and “manifest” positive outcomes is that you have to feel and act as if you have already experienced the changes that you are desiring. This chain of positive thoughts and emotions will lead to positive results. 

Why does manifestation work and why should you try it

The reason I believe manifestation actually works is because you are changing your perspective on how the world moves around you according to the energy you choose to present to it. So, even if you do not get exactly what you wanted, by then your perspective will have allowed you to mature past feeling down about it and move towards greater things. 

If you think negatively all the time, your brain will start to find evidence around you that will prove why you are feeling negative and turn your thoughts into a reality.

Say you wake up in a really awful mood for and go in to work with your day like that, it will only continue to get worse and worse. You will feel really horrible about yourself and probably cry yourself to sleep if you are anything like me. 

However, if you wake up in the same awful mood but instead choose to believe that the day will get better as time goes by, then you will be able to shake off that bad energy early on and your brain will find all the good things around you that will prove that things are much better. 

In the long run, applying positive energy in your day-to-day life and manifesting that good things will happen will lead you to subconsciously find yourself working towards your goals and slowly be rewarded by the universe as you go forward. 

How can I start manifesting from now? 

  • Be Realistic

The key to practicing manifestation correctly is to aim for broader goals. For example, manifest that you will find a new job that is going to be healthy for your lifestyle and will make you excited to go to work instead of manifesting a very specific title and brand. Life can lead you down unexpected paths. At least, this way, you know you are rocking towards being happy most importantly and would not be disappointed if you get a different outcome. 

  • Visualize It

Write down everything you want to manifest and start to visualize how your life could become better with it. Keep a list close to you or even create a vision board if you have the time. This way, you will always be reminded of what you are working for and why you are choosing to do it.

  • Clear toxic energy away from you if you can 

It is hard to maintain positive energy when you have people and environments around you that are harmful. If you have the privilege to get yourself away from that, do it as early as possible. You cannot become your best self when you have something constantly holding you back. 

  • Be Patient

Some days, it may be harder than others to stay positive. It can get hard to remind yourself that you deserve better and that you will find something better. The best thing to do in this situation is to lie to yourself. Lie to yourself enough that you have convinced your subconscious that what you are saying is true and, eventually, the lying will turn into truth. Be patient and push through. If you started once before, then you can do it again.

  • Take Action 

Achievements in life do not happen magically unfortunately. You will not be able to reach any of your goals purely by practicing manifestation alone. The point is to strengthen your energy and perspective in life so much so that you will find it easy to work harder towards your goals and will have the motivation to continue to push through any obstacles you face down the line.

Manifestation, in all its forms, is not something unrealistic to achieve. It just requires the effort and will to change your perspective in life and forcing yourself to stay motivated and positive.

Theories and spirituality aside, you are in complete control of the reality you choose to live in simply by changing your energy and perspective. It is the simple idea that if you think you deserve to be happier and you do, then you will end up that way no matter what path you end up on.

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