Anxiety, stress, and panic are very normal feelings that almost anyone is prone to facing at some point during their lives. After all, we are only human. Panic attacks can differ in intensity, which depends on each person and their individual levels of anxiety. Whether minor or major, being able to identify panic attacks is essential in order to help yourself deal with them more efficiently.
Educating Yourself
Due to the mental health stigma that is yet to be eradicated, many mental health problems go unnoticed more often than not. A majority number of people may be struggling and not even know that they are. Oftentimes, they tend to brush it off and suffer in silence without seeking the help they truly need. Likewise, many people have had panic attacks and not even known it. Having a panic attack is not an easy thing, and the first time can be very overwhelming. In this case, it is best to learn everything you can about panic attacks in order to increase your self-awareness and deal with it the best way you can should you ever experience one.
Like many mental health issues and disorders, panic attacks do not have a one-size-fits-all manifestation. You may experience a symptom that another person does not experience, and vice versa. Given that, it is best that you educate yourself on all the possible symptoms of panic attacks in order to identify which ones you may be experiencing and deal with them accordingly. Panic attack symptoms can be both physical and mental at the same time.
A possible list of symptoms –
- Increased heart rate
- Shortness of breath
- Tingling, numbness, and trembling of the hands or fingers
- Chest pains
- Sense of terror and anxiety
- Feeling a loss of control
- Lasting for 10 minutes or even longer
Dealing with Panic Attacks
Just like the symptoms of panic attacks, ways to deal with them vary extensively. It really depends on each person and, again, their individual anxiety levels. Things that work for others may not work for you. Moreover, more than one thing can work for you at the same time. However, the best-known technique for dealing with panic attacks is known as grounding. From the name, the purpose of this technique is to ground you and “bring you back to ground” from the attack. In order to ground yourself, here are some things you can try – deep breathing, closing your eyes, and muscle relaxation techniques. You can definitely try many things at once or try them one at a time. Some people swear by biting into a lemon or even just eating an ice cube. Others simply prefer to talk to a friend or listen to music in order to work through letting it pass.
Most importantly, always remember that recognizing the fact that you are having a panic attack is the very first and most significant step to take. It is also important to constantly remind yourself that you will get through it and that it will pass.