While attending a workshop called Reconnect, the notion of nature was discussed and expanded upon. The workshop included a healing meditation session by certified psychotherapist and theta healer Mayssam Saab Richanii, followed by a talk by certified Wellness specialist and founder of Ora Wellness Rami Fayyad. After that workshop, nature was no longer a stagnant idea that held no room for understanding, but rather something that could heal and ground us. Rami Fayyad, throughout his discussion, showed us just how nature could heal. Most importantly, Fayyad showed us that nature is all around us, in various aspects of our lives. We just need to be aware of it. The workshop centered around five main aspects of nature, each of which has its own connotation to life and is something that we can learn from.
First Aspect
The first thing to know about nature is that it is never in a rush. This comes in juxtaposition to our natural habit as people to rush everything and everywhere. We are often so occupied with rushing to do something, that we forget to take a pause and appreciate what is around us. This way, nature teaches us to pause, take a look around us, and just see our surroundings for what they are. Nature, as such, teaches us to not rush, because by rushing we would be letting our life pass by without us paying attention to it.
Second Aspect
A second aspect of nature discussed was the fact that nature is ever changing. Its seasons are constantly changing on a yearly basis. Nature, in this way, teaches us to embrace change, no matter how difficult that may be. Accepting change is a daunting challenge to many, and some like to play it safe. Yet, change is inevitable, and by standing in its way, we would be setting ourselves up for disappointment. It is an unnatural thing to do.
Third Aspect
The next aspect Fayyad delved into was the fact that nature is just nature. It wears no masks. There is nothing hidden beneath the layers of nature. Interestingly enough, in this way, nature is teaching us to just be ourselves. It is teaching us self-love and self-acceptance. It is teaching us to take off the masks we use to please others. It is teaching us to not commit the mistake of molding ourselves to fit the way we want others to see us, because by doing it, we would be denying our own originality.
Fourth Aspect
Nature is also flexible and resilient. Even after storms break down branches of trees and roots of flowers, they grow once again irrespective of the damage done to them. In this way, nature teaches us resilience and its importance. It teaches us the importance of standing tall in spite of our problems and overcoming them rather than allowing them to overpower us.
Fifth Aspect
Finally, nature is synergetic. It is cyclical. By definition, synergetic means “working together or being cooperative”. This means that nature does not work alone. Every process that occurs in the environment is dependent upon a process before it, and the process before it prompts it to occur. Nature is not a one-man show. This goes to show that we have something to learn from nature: the fact that life, in one way or another, connects us all, whether it is by the decisions we make or situations we are faced with.
Nature is all around us. We can walk through it. We can look into and pay attention to it. We can relate to it, understand it, and connect with it. Most importantly, we can learn from it.