A new day means a new chance to let go of the things that we cannot control. Oftentimes, we find ourselves spiraling and stressing about the aspects of our lives that we may not be happy about and wish to change, even if that is not an option for us. Such worries, stacked up over time, could eventually lead us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out, and still the things we initially worried about remain. Then, the consequences of constantly stressing on the things that we cannot control becomes too intrusive in our lives to ignore.
Control issues affect all humans at their core. Struggling with control issues means exerting influence over our environment, as well as over the actions or behaviors of another person. This sense of control is sometimes used excessively by those who fear the unpredictable and ambiguous aspects of life, so they feel the need to prove themselves or fear losing control. This is why it is crucial not only for our emotional health, but also for our spiritual health to learn to differentiate between the things we can change, which are alright to worry about and the things we cannot change, which we should let go. In other words, we need to remember what is within our realm of control and what is not.
What You Cannot Control
Some things that you cannot control are, for example, how others choose to react, what other people think of you, what others are doing tonight, how much weight your friend lost, what others post on social media, the exact outcome of things, that change is inevitable, as well as your past mistakes. All these things are out of your hands, so stressing about them only gives you unnecessary, futile worry.
What You Can Control
On the other hand, the things you can control are, for example, how you react and respond to things, how you treat yourself and others, your mindset on life, setting boundaries, your screen time, your exercise routine, your sleep schedule, eating, resting, other self-care activities, as well as your attitude, thoughts, and perceptions. All of these are things that you have an active ability to control, to change, and to improve in your life if you gather the willpower to.
In general, make sure to value yourself, take care of your body, surround yourself with good people, learn how to deal with stress, quiet your mind, set realistic goals, and get help when you need it. Also, keep in mind that in letting go, you are showing the universe that you have 100% trust in it. Everything will work out the way you imagine it, as long as you do your part, and sometimes that means to simply stop doing certain things.