If you are a student, it is the assignments and tests. If you are a teacher, it is the lessons and the grading of the assignments. If you are worker, it is never-ending tasks. On a weekly or even daily basis, we are burdened by a huge pile of work that we are required to complete in a certain amount of time. Some of us procrastinate until the last night, and some of us endeavor to directly complete the task. Pouring excessive amount of water into a cup would lead to an overflow. Similarly, levying a substantial amount of work on someone would lead to them being very overworked, taking a horrible toll on their mental health. Overworking refers to working beyond your capacity or pouring too much into your own cup without even realizing it.
Signs That You Are Being Overworked
There are many signs that herald or indicate that you are being overworked. Firstly, studies have shown that when you work for extensive hours, your productivity immensely dwindles. This has been proven by a Stanford research paper, which showed that people who worked for 70 hours per week hardly accomplished more than the people that worked 56 hours per week. Nonetheless, if your boss or manager is coercing you to increase your working hours, then just make sure that you negotiate with them. Moreover, when you do not get enough sleep, that is a prominent sign that you are being overworked. Sleep deprivation does not only decrease productivity but can also lead to chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Why put work over your health? Lastly, if you are barely spending time with your loved ones, then that is an apparent sign that you are being overworked. A problem arises when your eyes stare the screen for hours whilst not seeing your family for so long.
How Bad Is Overworking for Your Mental Health?
As predicted, overworking can damage your mental health and make you susceptible to developing mental illnesses. Overworking can eradicate your physical and mental well-being. Overworking can lead to depression and anxiety, migraines, substance abuse, and lack of interest. In fact, since overworking leads to depression, such mental conditions “cost” one trillion dollars every year due to less productivity. Not to mention that overworking can also lead to burnout, in which you are very emotionally and physically drained. Mental health is a major factor that allows you to go to that office and do your work. However, if you are being overworked, your mental health would deteriorate, hindering your ability to even perform mundane tasks.
Ways to Deal with Being Overworked
Some ways may help you deal with being too overworked so that your mental health would not be negatively impacted. Prioritizing is a very effective way. Prioritize a set of tasks that you should complete every day and finish them during the hours that you are most productive in. That would aid in alleviating stress and would allow you to have better sleep. Subsequently, your overworker may be your teacher, boss, manager, or even parent, so if they are the ones pouring so much into your cup, then be very honest with them and inform them that they are very copious tasks that you cannot complete. It is better to do that instead of harming your mental health. Lastly, as cliché as it sounds, dedicate one hour for you and only you. It may sound very banal and boring, but just laying on your bed and doing nothing can be a good break. You should always appreciate how far you have come. Progress is not a straight line.