Falling in Love with Yourself

The fundamental step you can take towards living a more happy and peaceful life is falling in love with yourself – the flaws, the imperfections, and everything in between. The way we perceive ourselves is the perception that others adopt. Promote yourself in a good light and that is how others will view you. For that, you need to truly believe that you are amazing. Know that falling in love with yourself is not weird or prideful, but rather a form of happiness and acceptance of oneself.  

Be Kind to Yourself

A lot of the times, we can be very harsh upon ourselves, especially when we think we are not where we want to be. At times like this, it is crucial to remind yourself that you are exactly where you need to be. The best way to change and be kind to yourself is to change the way you talk to yourself. The best way to do this is to talk to yourself the way you would to a loved one. Here are some phrases you can implement for better self-talk. Instead of saying –

“I should have known better,” say “I tried my best with what I knew at the time.” 

“I am being lazy,” say “rest is productive. I will get to my tasks in due time.”

“I am not qualified enough to be here,” say “I am here for a reason.”

“Why do such things always happen to me?” say “What is this teaching me?” 

“What is wrong with me?” say “I am a work in progress.”


Meditation is one of the best ways to ground yourself and quiet the chaotic minds that are constantly sprinting with negative thoughts. Saying affirmations while meditating also helps to develop feelings of self-assurance. 

Practice Gratitude

Be thankful for all you have and remind yourself daily. This can simply be by writing down or even saying aloud three things in your life that you are grateful for. By doing so, you learn to appreciate yourself and your life a bit more. Be grateful that you are the incredible person you are today.

Be the Main Character 

As cliche as it sounds, it is so important to romanticize your life and be the main character. Live in the present and enjoy every moment you have being you. Go seek those dreams and live the life you want to be living. Just have fun. Take the risks, and push out of your comfort zone! Try new things! Visualize the life you want to live and live it. 

Who cares what others have to say? 

Remind yourself that others’ opinion of you is none of your business. It will only hinder your progress by knowing. For this reason, you should not care what others are thinking of you as this is just a cue for negative thoughts. Go do what you want to do without second-guessing or considering the option of others. It is your life. The only person whose opinion should matter is yours because you are the only person you will have to live with for the rest of your life. 

Pamper Yourself

Go to that spa you have been wanting to go to. Treat yourself because you deserve it. Do what you have always wanted to do and do not commit to things you do not want to do. Live your life on your terms. Remind yourself that it is okay to put yourself first sometimes. Practice self-care. 

Digital Detox

Get off social media! With the photoshopped pictures of models and the constant beauty standards thrown in our faces, it can be hard to feel like we fit in or even to feel beautiful. Social media triggers feelings of insecurity as well as loneliness. It is one of the places where we are so connected yet ever so disconnected – disconnected from the real world and, most of all, from ourselves. 

Make Time for the Things You Love 

In our busy lives, it can be easy to forget the things we love. Schedule into your day things that you enjoy. These can be done during your downtime and make a tiring day seem so much better. 

Accept Yourself 

Make a list of your accomplishments and things you are proud of. It will remind of you of all that you have achieved. If there are qualities you do not like about yourself, make an effort to change them by building positive habits. 

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