Discovering Your Purpose in Life

When you type “Define Purpose” into a search engine, you see the simple one-line definition that describes “purpose” as the reason of existence for someone or something. It is about why they do what they do. Simply put, we all have a reason to be on this Earth, and whether we know what our purpose is or not, we do have roles to play and duties to fulfill. Essentially, by having goals and a sense of meaning to your life and how you live it, you have “achieved” purpose. It is important to note that purpose can arise from any aspect or area of life, whether it is occupational, leisure-related, personal, or purely out of interest. It is not necessary to restrict oneself to having a purpose within your career or educational background. Purpose can range from doing something small, such as performing a random act of kindness at least once a day, to running a country or wanting to end world hunger. It varies and can be on a wide scale. 

Philosophies or approaches to purpose and meaning in life vary from person to person. There are countless perspectives on how we should perceive or live life. With that being said, research shows that believing in a meaning of life and having purpose is considered to be a fundamental human need. It allows us to push forward through the challenges of life and gives us a clear sense of direction. Ikigai, which is a Japanese term for purpose in life, can be explained as “the subjective perceptions that daily life is worth living and that it is full of energy and motivation.” The concept of ikigai asserts that physical wellbeing is affected by mental and emotional health and sense of purpose in life, showing the importance of pursuing a purpose and ultimately increasing happiness. By devoting yourself to activities you enjoy, you develop a sense of fulfillment and wellbeing, as well as an increase in everlasting health. These signs of  good health manifest through enhanced sleep, as well as decreased likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, and dementia. 

How do I discover my purpose?

Purpose is individual to each person. In order to figure out what you would like to get out of this life, you have to ask yourself important questions. Some of these can be – 

  • What is a problem that you want to solve?  

This can be a pressing issue in the world that bothers you, and you would like to change it for the better – for example, destigmatizing mental health is a passion project that could be worked towards. In addition, it can be an obstacle that you face that you would like to overcome so you make it your purpose to challenge yourself. 

  • What pattern do you notice when you think about your life dreams? 

When you dream of the future and imagine where you would like to be one day, what comes up? Do you see yourself having a family, an amazing career, or even both? Maybe you see yourself fighting for something you believe in, having fun, or scratching off items on a bucket list. Whatever it may be, notice your thoughts when you think of the future and what your dream might be. It is a great way of discovering what you are interested in and being inspired to start working towards it. 

  • What wakes you up in the morning? 

Think about what makes you keep going. What motivates and inspires you? What do you want to keep waking up for?

  • What gives you energy? 

Whether it is an activity, a task, an experience, or even a person, look for what energizes you and keeps you on your feet. Find what will make you fully immersed, present, excited, and ultimately joyful. 

In addition to asking yourself growth-inducing questions, engaging in activities such as journaling – where you can write out your goals, your values, and your list of priorities – can help give you a clear idea of what it is that acts as a driving force in your life and what can give you a sense of meaning and happiness. Goal setting is also a great way to build resilience that helps through surviving difficult life situations. According to Victor Frankl, this also means that you do not have to have a perfect life to be able to have purpose. Pushing through struggle can become easier for those who have a sense of purpose. 


We should note that purpose can change throughout the lifetime of each person. It can also be discovered at any age, and you do not have to have just one set purpose – you can have many. 

It is important to know that there will be periods of time in your life where you might feel lost and unaware of what is to come. This is completely okay, and as humans, we can be turbulent and go through ups and downs. Try not to give yourself a hard time for that and be patient, as what is meant for you will come, and there is always darkness before dawn. However, you do not always have to be doing something. Remind yourself that, sometimes, simply existing is okay. 

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