We are currently in the season of exams and finals. This time of the semester tends to be quite stressful and anxiety-provoking. Hence, it is very important to recognize what coping mechanisms each of us can use in order to stress-relief as efficiently as possible.
Here are some of our recommendations –
Making a Schedule
In order to manage your time as well and efficiently as possible, make a realistic schedule of what you would be able to achieve in a day. This would help you feel a sense of control and may reduce some of your anxiety. Remember not to overwork and exhaust yourself!
Stay Connected
Some people tend to completely isolate themselves from their friends and family during exam season. However, remember that your friends and family can serve as a support system that you may very much be needing. As we already talk about quite extensively, support systems are quite essential for stress-relief and anxiety management.
Take Frequent Breaks
Your mind (and body) can only handle a certain amount of work in a day. It is far more efficient for learning and memory to take breaks as much as possible, even if it just for a few minutes! We recommend trying the Pomodoro Technique!
Eat Well
Your mind and body will be in need of nutrients and energy during this time! Remember to eat and try focusing on vitamin-rich foods!
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is beyond crucial for learning and memory. Sleeping is what helps you retain much of the information you learned and is what will help recharge your body for the next day.
If your anxiety and stress are too high, try incorporating breathing exercises at random intervals throughout the day in order to help calm yourself down!
This can be considered a break for you! Even if it is only a 10-minute walk every day, it can go a long way! Exercising will help pump you up with energy, as well as relieve a lot of stress in your body.