In a recent episode of the newly produced reality TV show The Kardashians, Kim confronted Khloe about her recent weight loss due to extreme stress. Kim suggested that their sister, Kendall, had mentioned it, too. Khloe’s face lit up with honor that Kendall, a supermodel, noticed the changes in her body despite the circumstances that caused the change. Kim thereafter praised Khloe’s “skinniness”. Given the social impact that the Kardashian family holds as one of the most influential families, what message could a scene like this send to their audience?
Research conducted on body image discussed factors affecting body image disorders. Out of the five factors, three included Family, Social Pressures, and the Media. This means that 60% of our perception of body image is derived from external factors – more specifically, the people around us. One of the other factors included self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the subjective perspective a person has on their worth and value. The feelings we possess around ourselves, and our bodies, are often deeply vulnerable and intangible. Given this nature, we often do not know the history and state of the self-esteem of those around us. When keeping this in mind, as well as understanding the impact we have when discussing the body of another person, we can realize the power it holds. Commenting on someone else’s body can therefore have a detrimental effect on their body image and self-esteem.
Why You Should Not Comment On Someone Else’s Body Without Their Permission
Sets An Unrealistic Standard
The only thing consistent about life is its inconsistency. This phrase holds true when thinking about your body, too, as bodies change and fluctuate throughout our lives. When we place too much importance on the physical appearance of a person, especially without their consent, we promote an unhealthy and unrealistic narrative that their body looks optimal during that period of their life. This can often leave people wondering how you felt about their appearance prior, which can be hurtful. When their body inevitably changes, chasing their previous “perfect” standard can further drive negative body image, cause disordered eating tendencies, and even drive one to social isolation.
They Already Know How They Look
Self-recognition is said to develop by the age of two. As we age, we become familiar with our gender identity, social norms, and physical attributes. This highlights that the comments you are making are more than likely understood by said person. Society also dictates common insecurities such as weight gain and ideal body composition. Hence, the likelihood of your comments feeding into possible insecurities is high.
People Are More Than Their Physical Appearance
Despite the rise in movements such as body positivity, the emphasis on physical appearance is still booming as society continues to place great importance on it. Social media has been pivotal in promoting unrealistic beauty standards due to editing, filters, and perfect angles. The pressure this creates to constantly improve one’s physical appearance detaches us from the entire picture. The reality is that our bodies do much more than simply existing around others. They are vessels that we use to move, breathe, learn, and connect with others. While both physical and mental attributes hold weight, it is important to place more attention onto the other functions we hold – apart from aesthetics.
While it is human nature to comment on the things that strike our curiosity, expressing our views on the appearance of other people, whether it be on social media or in person, can do more harm than good. The line between appreciation and damage can often be blurred when commenting on another person’s body, therefore we must remember to think carefully before we speak or rather choose to remain silent.